Summer Activities – Idaho Freedom Caucus

A warm summer hello from Rep. Heather Scott.

I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful Idaho summer. Sometimes our busy schedules make us forget how precious the gift of life is every day. We are blessed to live in a free country and a beautiful state. It’s this blessing that fuels the passion of Freedom Caucus members, myself included, as we tirelessly fight to protect the individual freedoms and rights that preserve our American way of life. As President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom…is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

I want to tell you a little about the Idaho Freedom Caucus and introduce you to our members. We’re a dedicated group of state legislators committed to safeguarding the freedoms and liberty of Idahoans. We have a proven track record of ACTUAL conservative legislative action. You won’t hear us use coded rhetoric like “pragmatic”, “common sense”, or “bipartisan” when discussing policy. Idaho Freedom Caucus members are principled, and consistently uphold conservative values and beliefs. Membership is extended only to those with a demonstrated liberty track record and willing to hold the line.

We are not alone in this mission. The Idaho Freedom Caucus is part of the State Freedom Caucus Network (eleven states and growing). Being part of this network gives us a solid platform to develop intelligent strategies, analyze policies, and promote solutions that prioritize liberty while not losing sight of Idaho’s unique needs and values. Working alongside other states, we can share best practices, make a bigger impact, and fight for a freer, more prosperous Idaho. Plus, our collective efforts have a positive ripple effect on other legislators and citizen organizations while promoting liberty throughout the entire nation.

After learning about the Idaho Freedom Caucus, I hope you will get involved and be a part of creating real change. Connect with us through social media, calls, or in-person meetings to share your concerns, discuss issues, and arrange speaking engagements. Donating to our newly organized Idaho Freedom Caucus PAC helps support statewide like-minded conservative legislators who are willing to stand up, show up, and speak up to keep Idaho free.

Unlike Idaho’s part-time legislature, the Idaho Freedom Caucus is always on the job. Securing and advancing freedoms and liberties requires full-time vigilance and regular action. This summer, our members are actively engaged in various constituent-related activities to address important issues. They are gathering information and facts to draft legislation on topics like moral decay in public schools, overreaching government agencies, and preserving access to public lands. Here’s a glimpse of what our members are up to this summer:

Senator Tammy Nichols (co-chair), District 10

Senator Nichols keeps a busy schedule, engaging with conservative groups nationwide and appearing on programs like the Glenn Beck Show. Recently, she had the opportunity to testify in Congress about the weaponization of government and visited the southern border alongside Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, gaining valuable firsthand insight into the immigration crisis. Senator Nichols is devoted to advocating for Idaho, putting in a tireless effort to uphold conservative values and principles.

Representative Elaine Price, District 4

Rep. Price is actively engaged in addressing local matters in Kootenai County. Leveraging her expertise in precious metals, she advocates for the promotion of Idaho’s mineral resources and emphasizes the significance of adopting a gold and silver standard. She is also working on legislation restricting our state’s use of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Rep. Price was also appointed to sit on a new Commission to discuss changing the education formula in Idaho schools.

Representative Dale Hawkins, District 2

Rep. Hawkins has been closely monitoring the Democrats’ efforts to gather signatures for a ballot initiative on Ranked Choice Voting. It’s one of those tricks that liberals are using to turn Idaho blue. Rep. Hawkins and Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld worked hard earlier this year to pass H179, which prohibits ranked-choice voting. He’s committed to safeguarding Idaho’s values and ensuring fair elections.

Senator Brian Lenney, District 13

Senator Lenney is genuinely making the most of his summer. Not only is he savoring the stunning fishing spots in the Treasure Valley alongside his family, but he’s also been deeply involved with local small business owners, actively listening to their concerns. He has been hard at work collaborating with education stakeholders, united in their efforts to rein in the woke agenda infiltrating public education. Senator Lenney’s goal? To facilitate an education system that remains true to Idaho’s cherished traditional values.

 Senator Dan Foreman, District 6

Senator Foreman has been actively involved in various community events including central committee meetings, special interest club meetings, as well as participated in numerous local parades and activities. He was surprised to learn that local Democrats boycotted the Moscow parade for the second consecutive year. Recently, he spoke to Moscow high school students, discussing current events and the latest legislative session. Senator Foreman is working with local groups to increase communication among voters in Latah County and is working on developing a bill tracking system to better serve his constituents.

Representative Jacyn Gallagher, District 9

Rep. Gallagher has been busy since the 2023 legislative session ended. She went with Senator Nichols on a fact-finding trip to the El Paso/Cuidad Juarez border and learned much from that experience. She plans to meet with Governor Little to discuss what can be done to protect Idaho. She is working on revising legislation from last session and coming up with new ideas for the next session. She will be attending local events, engaging with constituents, and going to seminars to learn more about the issues that matter to Idahoans. And, of course, she’s also looking forward to some vacation time.

Senator Cindy Carlson, District 7

Senator Carlson is deeply committed to protecting children from the availability of sexually explicit materials in libraries. In addition, she successfully runs her own local helicopter business, contributing to job creation and positively impacting her community. Her advocacy extends to both preserving family values and promoting economic growth. Senator Carlson’s unwavering dedication to these important causes is commendable.

Representative Mike Kingsley, District 7

Rep. Kingsley is gearing up for the next election battle, standing strong against attacks from RINOs and Democrats. He is excited for an event coming up in August—the Convention of States in Virginia. There he will have the chance to learn about the potential of a convention and gain valuable insights to bring back to his constituents. Rep. Kingsley is all about empowering the people and making sure their voices are heard.

Senator Scott Herndon, District 1

Senator Herndon, a dedicated father and full-time business owner in the home construction industry, recognizes the significance of upholding the values that define our great state. As the chairman of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, he actively works to safeguard Idaho’s freedoms. Engaging with the public is a top priority for him, as he attends town halls and local events and participates in interviews. His genuine and unwavering commitment to our Republic resonates with people, leading to his growing popularity.

Representative Joe Alfieri, District 4

Rep. Alfieri is researching the negative impacts of Smart City technology, which can invade our privacy by monitoring and recording personal information. He is also working on voter integrity bills to safeguard the fairness and integrity of our electoral system. He enjoys getting out in his district and meeting with the people to discuss these important issues.

Representative Tony Wisniewski, District 5

 Rep. Wisniewski has been actively helping fellow conservatives in local races, dedicating his time and effort to support their campaigns. He recently took part in a tour of the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, where he observed the processing plant, reclamation area, and water treatment facilities. Additionally, Rep. Wisniewski is working on a tax deferral bill that aims to provide seniors with the option to utilize the equity in their homes to pay their property taxes, helping to prevent eviction. He is committed to staying connected with his community, and regularly attends Kootenai County Republican Central Committee meetings.

Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld, District 24

Senator Zuiderveld is an unwavering champion of liberty in her southern Idaho district. She prioritizes connecting with her constituents, going the extra mile by hosting BBQs and town halls to foster open dialogue and meaningful conversations. She is dedicated to educating her constituents about the perils of government overreach and the challenges our children confront. Transparency and community engagement are at the heart of her approach as she works tirelessly to protect the values that make our state strong. Her commitment to serving the people is truly commendable.

Representative Heather Scott (co-chair), District 2

I have been exploring my new district and meeting lots of great people. With five new counties, it’s been a challenge to get up to speed on all the local issues quickly. I am thankful for the help from members of the various county Republican Central Committees who have stepped up to lend a hand. I’m excited about the opportunity to educate and engage even more citizens in the days ahead. Co-sharing the new Idaho Freedom Caucus is an honor.

Here are some ways you can help the Idaho Freedom Caucus:

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Donate to our Idaho Freedom Caucus PAC 

Thanks for joining us in the fight to keep Idaho Free!

In Liberty,
Rep. Heather Scott

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